Sunday, January 3, 2010

Plans for the New Year

You know I've never actually thought about what I've wanted to do for my new year's resolutions. I don't sit down and open a journal and write let alone even thinking of them..I've just always gone with the flow. I feel like I've changed a lot since I was a kid. The way I think and act and trust God. I've relied on myself. I know my family and friends are always there for me but I like being independent..even though I know most of the time I need help^^.

But this year will be different because I have a dream! tehehe I sound like Martin Luther King.Jr>.< ok I might as well..
I have a dream that Kingsway will be known for being on fire for God not for its oh so ridiculously beautiful uniforms.
I have a dream that I will achieve over 90 for my TER score
I have a dream that I can get an art scholarship/internship which will be my stepping stone into my awesome career :)
I have a dream to improve in my french speaking
I have a dream to be myself, to smile more, laugh more, and love more,

{ photos via please sir and nothing is impossible...}

But above all I know that none of this can be achieved without God.
:D:D oh and today i wwatched the lion king and cried when mufasa died D: 

à bientôt mes copains and all the best for 2010




  1. nawww susan your such a cutie and this blog is so sweet ^^
    Love you !!! xx

  2. I think we're all gonna accomplish our dreams,
    even if they're massive ones ^^
    MISS YOU *hugs*

  3. Susan!

    u cried when Mufasa died?? hahahaha! u won't believe how much i'm laughing right now. about how much u laughed when i told u that my fish died!!


  4. yeh but everyyyyyoneeee cries when mufasa dies!!!!! u did when u were younger ok?:P
